Source code for pyrogi

"""The top level package for the pyrogi engine. This package defines the
components of the engine which will be included in every game, such as events,
and the classes :class:`Backend` and :class:`Screen`.

import os.path

VERSION = '0.1.3'

PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..')
FONT_PATH = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'res', 'fonts')

# A global reference to the Backend currently running.
_backend = None

[docs]def get_window_dimensions(): """:returns: The dimensions in tiles of the game window. :rtype: Vec2 """ return _backend.window_dimensions
[docs]def get_tile_dimensions(): """:returns: The dimensions in pixels of each game tile. :rtype: Vec2 """ return _backend.tile_dimensions
[docs]def get_caption(): """:returns: The title caption of the game window. :rtype: str """ return _backend.caption
[docs]def get_mouse_position(): """:returns: The current position in tiles of the mouse. :rtype: Vec2 """ return _backend.mouse_position
# Expose all the root package's public members. import pyrogi.drawing import pyrogi.ui import pyrogi.util from .core import Backend, Screen from .events import LEFT_BUTTON, MIDDLE_BUTTON, RIGHT_BUTTON, SCROLL_WHEEL_UP, SCROLL_WHEEL_DOWN from .events import Event, KeyDownEvent, KeyUpEvent, MouseMovedEvent, MouseButtonDownEvent, MouseButtonUpEvent, MouseWheelScrolledEvent